The floor management team at Custom Bulk Bags (CBB) is like the beating heart of the company. The team is responsible for the production of the bulk bags and they ensure that our products are made to meet our strict standards for quality and durability. The floor management team is in charge of the assembly line and final quality control. 

These dedicated team members have shared some insights into their roles at CBB and the bulk bag industry at large. CBB is a leading manufacturer and supplier of bulk bags in South Africa. We are able to produce up to 3.5-million bulk bags per year, which includes weaving and extrusion of polypropylene. Our products have a minimum 5:1 safety factor and meet various international manufacturing criteria.

What is a key factor in motivating the production staff?

The floor management team has the task of overseeing and motivating the production staff on the floor. These include seamstresses, equipment engineers and handlers. Floor manager Vela, who has been at CBB for 16 years, explains that in order to motivate her fellow staff members, a manager needs to always be honest, calm and show respect to one another.

Similarly, Clarence – a 15-year employee at CBB and now floor manager – says that the key to motivation is to communicate with employees all the time. Communication is the backbone of understanding and teamwork; get this right and the entire floor staff will work together as a cohesive unit.

Naven, a floor manager who has been at CBB for a year and a half, says that “appreciation and recognition are two important components that motivate staff. Offering recognition and praise not only makes employees feel accomplished and appreciated but also reinforces good performance and encourages employees to continue repeating the actions that led to the good performance.”

Custom Bulk bags production floor

What is the best way to handle stress on the production floor?

A floor manager needs to be good under pressure and ensure that the production is running efficiently and on schedule. Vela manages her stress by speaking to her mind. “I tell myself that this (stress) means nothing and that everything will work out in the end,” she says. It also helps to let bygones be bygones, she adds.

Naven has a similar strategy. “Stay positive, accept what you can’t control, learn how to manage time better, focus on one task at a time and delegate tasks,” he explains. Stress is best managed through communication, says Clarence. A good way to handle stress “is to provide people with tools and to communicate with the team,” she states.

What is a memorable experience from the production floor?

Any job will have its ups and downs, so the floor management team members have shared their most memorable moments from the floor to highlight the good times at CBB. Vela was was once on night shift duty when the power went out. She phoned the former general manager (GM) for assistance. “The way he liked his job – it didn’t take him long to be at the factory. He drove his car inside the factory with the lights on,” she begins.

“The funny thing was, as he jumped out of the car, he didn’t ask how we all were on that dark night. He switched on his phone light, walked straight to the scoreboard and asked aloud ‘How are my scores, Vela?’,” she continues. “It was quiet but everyone laughed when he realised that it was late and forgot to ask how the production team were doing,” she recalls.

Naven shares his memorable moments too; “The best performance on the production floor would be, by far, the last day of the month, when we need to get everything sewn, bailed and sent to the ground floor for dispatch. The pace at which we work to achieve this is amazing to see; how all the staff come together to assist in every way possible to get the job done,” he says. The close-knit teamwork at CBB is a defining feature of the company’s success.

Custom Bulk bags production floor

What slogan would you print on a CBB bulk bag?

A company’s slogan is a catchphrase that defines the business or product in a concise manner. If the floor managers had to choose a slogan to print on the bulk bags, what would they want customers to read? Vela says “Moving forward with quality in time” would be her recommended slogan for CBB.

Likewise, Clarence suggests “CBB bags quality is the best and they last longer.” Lastly, Naven would print “Quality and value in one great service” on the bulk bags. These slogans highlight how employees and managers view the products that they manufacture. Quality is the single defining feature of a CBB bulk bag. For more information about our bulk bags, please contact us today. 


Custom Bulk Bags is a leading South African manufacturer of woven polypropylene bags for various industries, such as mining, chemicals and food. We are able to produce over 3.5-million bulk bags per year, keeping our customers in stock at all times. Our bags adhere to the highest levels of quality as a result of our stringent in-house testing and quality control programmes.

Custom Bulk Bags holds ISO 9001 certification and we currently have a number of UN-certified designs. We are a Level 3 B-BBEE manufacturer and supplier and fall under the ownership structure of Deneb Investments Limited. For more information on our products, contact Follow us on Facebook for our latest news and industry insights.